c# - 如何在 Orchard CMS 数据库中保存自定义数据

标签 c# asp.net-mvc-3 orchardcms

我创建了一个模块,我想在 Orchard 的数据库中收集一些简单的数据,因此我为其创建了模型、迁移和处理程序:

Models/StatePartRecord.cs :

 namespace Address.Models
        public class StatePart : ContentPart<StatePartRecord>
            public int Id
                get { return Record.Id; }
                set { Record.Id = value; }
            public string StateName
                get { return Record.StateName; }
                set { Record.StateName = value; }

Models/StatePartRecord.cs :

namespace Address.Models
    public class StatePartRecord : ContentPartRecord
        public virtual int Id { get; set; }
        public virtual string StateName { get; set; }

Migrations.cs :

namespace Address
    public class Migrations : DataMigrationImpl
        public int Create()
            SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("StatePartRecord", table => table

            return 1;
        public int UpdateFrom1()
            ContentDefinitionManager.AlterPartDefinition("State", part => part

            return 2;


Handlers/StatePartHandler.cs :

namespace Address.Handlers
    public class StatePartHandler : ContentHandler
        public StatePartHandler(IRepository<StatePartRecord> repository)


namespace Address.Services
    public class AddressService : IAddressService
     public void InsertState(Models.StatePartRecord state)


attempted to assign id from null one-to-one property: ContentItemRecord




这是因为 ContentPartRecord 有一个 ContentItemRecord 属性,该属性指向与 ContentPartRecord 的 Part 附加到的内容项相对应的 ContentItemRecord。

您不必直接管理零件记录:Orchard 服务(主要是 ContentManager)会为您完成此操作。即使您想要修改较低级别的记录,您也应该通过 ContentManager 来完成此操作(通过注入(inject) IContentManager)。仅当记录只是用于存储非内容数据的“普通”记录(即不是 ContentPartRecords)时才直接操作记录。

        // MyType is a content type having StatePart attached
        var item = _contentManager.New("MyType");

        // Setting parts is possible directly like this.
        // NOTE that this is only possible if the part has a driver (even if it's empty)!
        item.As<StatePart>().StateName = "California";


关于c# - 如何在 Orchard CMS 数据库中保存自定义数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11880078/


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