automation - 如何解决这个上下文无关语法

标签 automation context-free-grammar pushdown-automaton


{w | w is an element of {a, b, c, d}* such that # of a+ # of b = # of c + # of D}

how do i approach this question...?



S -> A C S     
S -> A S C                   
S -> S A C                 

S -> C A S     
S -> C S A                   
S -> S C A

S -> 
A -> a|b
C -> c|d


至于如何处理这些问题,我认为关键的见解通常在于分组(此处为 A 和 C),但我认为最好的学习方法是了解很多例子并尝试很多问题 - 例如this one .

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