iphone - 模拟对象的惯性滚动

标签 iphone ios ipad cocoa-touch



- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
    CGPoint touchLocation = [touch locationInNode:self];

    self.lastTouch = touchLocation;
    self.lastTimestamp = event.timestamp;

- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
    CGPoint currentLocation = [touch locationInNode:self];

    // how much it scrolled vertically (it is a table view, no need to scroll horizontally)
    CGFloat deltaY = currentLocation.y - self.lastTouch.y;

    // move the container (that is the object I want to implement the inertial movement)
    // to the correct position
    CGPoint posActual = self.container.position; 
    posActual.y = posActual.y + deltaY;
    [self.container setPosition:posActual];

    // calculate the movement speed
    NSTimeInterval deltaTime = event.timestamp - self.lastTimestamp;
    self.speedY = deltaY / deltaTime;

    self.lastTouch = currentLocation;
    self.lastTimestamp = event.timestamp;


- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    CGFloat tempoDecay = 0.4f;

    CGPoint finalPosition = self.container.position;
    finalPosition.y = finalPosition.y + (self.speedY * tempoDecay);

    // move the object to the final position using easeOut timing...


这就是我所看到的:我滑动它。当我抬起手指时,它会加速然后突然停止。我记录了 speedY 值,这些值非常大,比如 720! (每秒 720 像素?)

我无法使用 UIScrollView 或 Apple 提供的其他方法。它是一个必须自行滚动的对象。谢谢。


我通过在场景的更新方法中添加“惯性制动”来实现这种惯性滚动(垂直填充许多 Sprite 的 SKSpriteNode 对象以模拟垂直滚动选择)

// add the variables as member variables to your class , setup with initial values on your init 
  SKSpriteNode *mList // this is the sprite node that will be our scroll object
  mTouching = NO;         // BOOL
  mLastScrollDist = 0.0f; // float

在你的 touchesBegan 中,将 mTouching 更改为 YES ,表示触摸生效..

在你的 touchesMoved 中,计算 mLastScrollDist = previousLocation.y - currentlocation.y ,然后将其添加到 mList 的 y 位置 (mList.y += mLastScrollDist)

在您的 touchesEnded 中,将 mTouching 更改为 NO


- (void)update:(NSTimeInterval)currentTime
    if (!mTouching)
        float slowDown = 0.98f;

        if (fabsf(mLastScrollDist) < 0.5f)
            slowDown = 0;

        mLastScrollDist *= slowDown;
        mList.y += mLastScrollDist; // mList is the SKSpriteNode list object

关于iphone - 模拟对象的惯性滚动,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18846945/


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