php - PHP 默认可以在 Oracle OAS 上运行吗?

标签 php oracle oas

我不完全确定这个问题是否应该在此处或 super 用户论坛提出,但我想知道 Oracle 应用服务器是否能够默认运行 PHP 脚本。我似乎在互联网上找不到任何说法



PHP is a supported as a mod (mod_php) with the Oracle HTTP Server. The version shipped with Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( is PHP 5.1.2.

来自oracle doc 1.6 point

Oracle includes PHP with its mid-tier Application Server 10g Release 3 allowing you to use the same web server for PHP and for J2EE applications.

PHP is enabled by default. The Oracle HTTP Server document root is

$ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/htdocs Files with .php or .phtml extensions in this directory will be executed by PHP. Files with a .phps extension will be displayed as formatted source code.

above quoted from Oracle:PHP and Oracle

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