php - CodeIgniter 不需要模板引擎

标签 php codeigniter phpmyadmin cakephp-1.3 codeigniter-2


Although CodeIgniter does come with a simple template parser that can be optionally used, it does not force you to use one. Template engines simply can not match the performance of native PHP, and the syntax that must be learned to use a template engine is usually only marginally easier than learning the basics of PHP. Consider this block of PHP code:


<?php foreach ($addressbook as $name):?>


<?php endforeach; ?>


Contrast this with the pseudo-code used by a template engine:


{foreach from=$addressbook item="name"}




Yes, the template engine example is a bit cleaner, but it comes at the price of performance, as the pseudo-code must be converted back into PHP to run. Since one of our goals is maximum performance, we opted to not require the use of a template engine.


模板引擎只是将后端代码嵌入到 html 中的一种方法。这在 Python 和 Ruby 等语言中比 PHP 更常见,因为 PHP 已经支持嵌入 html 代码。

对于那些来自其他后端语言的人来说,这个特定的模板引擎可能更容易,特别是 Python 或 Ruby,因为 Django 和 Rails 的模板语法非常相似。

虽然不一定是“模板引擎”,但我通常组织我的 Codeigniter 项目,其中有一个 template.php View ,其中包含骨架布局,并且站点/应用程序的每个页面的内容是加载在其中的单独 View template.php 文件。这样我就不会在每个页面上重写代码。


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