Arduino 在 uint32_t 和无符号字符之间转换

标签 arduino rgb unsigned-char uint32-t

我正在使用rainbowduino,它有一些方法将单独的 r g b 值作为无符号字符,还有一些方法采用 24 位 rgb 颜色代码。

我想将 r g b 值转换为 uint32_t 类型的 24 位颜色代码(这样我的所有代码只需使用 r g b 值。


我已经尝试过 uint32_t result = r << 16 + g << 8 + b; r = 100 g =200 b=0 呈现绿色,但 r=0 g=200 b=0 没有呈现任何内容

Rb.setPixelXY(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char colorR, unsigned char colorG, unsigned char colorB)
This sets the pixel(x,y)by specifying each channel(color) with 8bit number.

Rb.setPixelXY(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unit32_t colorRGB) 
This sets the pixel(x,y)by specifying a 24bit RGB color code.



void Rainbowduino::setPixelXY(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, uint32_t colorRGB /*24-bit RGB Color*/)
    if(x > 7 || y > 7)
     // Do nothing.
     // This check is used to avoid writing to out-of-bound pixels by graphics function. 
     // But this might slow down setting pixels (remove this check if fast disply is desired)
    colorRGB = (colorRGB & 0x00FFFFFF);
    frameBuffer[0][x][y]=(colorRGB & 0x0000FF); //channel Blue
    colorRGB = (colorRGB >> 8);
    frameBuffer[1][x][y]=(colorRGB & 0x0000FF); //channel Green
    colorRGB = (colorRGB >> 8);
    frameBuffer[2][x][y]=(colorRGB & 0x0000FF); //channel Red


uint8_t x,y,r,b,g;
uint32_t result = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
Rb.setPixelXY(x, y, result); 


附注请记住,当移位为无符号时,除非您想要算术移位而不是逻辑移位。 就这一点而言,我不喜欢轮类,因为轮类常常很困惑且效率低下。相反,联合既简单又高效。

union rgb {
  uint32_t word;
  uint8_t  byte[3];
  struct {
    uint8_t  blue;
    uint8_t  green;
    uint8_t  red;
  } color ;
}rgb ;

// one way to assign by discrete names. = b; = g; = r;
//or assign using array
rgb.byte[0] = b;
rgb.byte[1] = g;
rgb.byte[2] = r;
// then interchangeably use the whole integer word when desired.
Rb.setPixelXY(x, y, rgb.word); 


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