Scala 惰性集合增长

标签 scala collections lazy-evaluation

这个问题比较理论化。 我有一个对象,它包含一个私有(private)可变列表或映射,其增长仅是附加的。我相信我可以争辩说,对象本身是功能性的,功能上是透明的,而且从表面上看,是不可变的。例如我有

import scala.collection.mutable.Map

case class Foo(bar:String)

object FooContainer {
  private val foos = Map.empty[String, Foo]

  def getFoo(fooName:String) = foos.getOrElseUpdate(fooName, Foo(fooName))




The function always evaluates the same result value given the same argument value(s). The function result value cannot depend on any hidden information or state that may change as program execution proceeds or between different executions of the program, nor can it depend on any external input from I/O devices. Wikipedia

如果您使 Foo 类变得可变,那么明显的杂质就会消失:

case class Foo(bar:String) {
    private var mutable:Int = 1
    def setFoo(x:Int) = mutable = x
    def foo = mutable

Foo 类的可变性导致 getFoo 不纯:

scala> FooContainer.getFoo("test").foo
res5: Int = 1

scala> FooContainer.getFoo("bla").setFoo(5)

scala> FooContainer.getFoo("bla").foo
res7: Int = 5

为了使函数看起来是纯粹的,FooContainer.getFoo("bla").foo 必须始终返回相同的值。因此,所描述的构造的“纯度”充其量是脆弱的。

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