google-app-engine - 用于锯齿形合并连接的大O?

标签 google-app-engine bigtable

zig-zag 合并连接算法的 Big O 是什么?

GAE 的 Big Table 使用它,他们在这些视频中详细介绍了它:

enter image description here

我问的原因是,如果我正确理解这个例子,对于包含很多仅与其中之一匹配的集合,Big O 将接近 O(n),但对于两者(或本例中的全部三个) )。



The actual performance depends on the shape of the data. Specifically, the average number of entities considered for each result returned is O(S/R). This indicates that poor performance is likely when many entities match each scan, but few entities match the query as a whole (R is small and S is large).

正如文章所述,这只影响正常索引。如果你想要 O(log n) 速度,你应该定义一个复合索引。

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