ios - 协议(protocol)的方法调配

标签 ios objective-c uikit method-swizzling

我希望能够使用 Swizzle 协议(protocol)方法,例如 textFieldDidBeginEditing:tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:。 如何做到这一点?






SEL selector = …;      // The selector for the method you want to swizzle
IMP code = …;          // The implementation you want to set
Protocol *protocol = …; // The protocol containing the method

// Get the class list
int classesCount = objc_getClassList ( NULL, 0 );
Class *classes = malloc( classCount * sizeof(Class));
objc_getClassList( classes, classesCount );

// For every class 
for( int classIndex = 0; classIndex < classesCount; classIndex++ )
    Class class = classes[classIndex];

    // Check, whether the class implements the protocol
    // The protocol confirmation can be found in a super class
    Class conformingClass = class;
      if (class_conformsToProtocol( conformingClass, protocol )
      conformingClass = class_getSuperclass( conformingClass );

    // Check, whether the protocol is found in the class or a superclass
    if (conformingClass != Nil )
      // Check, whether the protocol's method is implemented in the class,
      // but NOT the superclass, because you have to swizzle it there. Otherwise
      // it would be swizzled more than one time.
      unsigned int methodsCount;
      Method *methods = class_copyMethodList( class, &methodsCount );

      for( unsigned methodIndex; methodIndex < methodsCount; methodIndex++ )
         if (selector == method_getName( methods[methodIndex] ))
            // Do the method swizzling

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