debugging - 用 Haskell 编写的黑白棋游戏出现 Stackoverflow 错误

标签 debugging haskell functional-programming stack-overflow

此代码导致堆栈溢出错误 - 你们中有人能看到我错过的任何可能导致该错误的内容吗?我已经检查了所有函数并将它们设置为仅返回任意值,但堆栈溢出错误仍然出现..

module Reversi where

import Data.List

-- Position type and utility functions
type Position = (Int, Int)

-- Given a Position value, determine whether or not it is a legal position on the board 
isValidPos :: Position -> Bool
isValidPos (a,b)
  | a > 8 || b > 8 = False
  | a < 1 || b < 1 = False
  | otherwise      = True

-- Player type and utility functions
data Player = PlayerWhite | PlayerBlack deriving (Eq)

instance Show Player where
  show PlayerWhite = "white"
  show PlayerBlack = "black"

-- Given a Player value, return the opponent player
otherPlayer :: Player -> Player
otherPlayer a
  | a == PlayerWhite = PlayerBlack
  | otherwise = PlayerWhite

-- Piece type and utility functions
data Piece = Piece Position Player deriving (Eq)

instance Show Piece where
  show (Piece _ PlayerWhite) = " W"
  show (Piece _ PlayerBlack) = " B"

-- Given a Player value and a Piece value, does this piece belong to the player?
isPlayer :: Player -> Piece -> Bool
isPlayer a (Piece (x,y) z)
  | a == z = True
  | otherwise = False

-- Given a Piece value, determine who the piece belongs to
playerOf :: Piece -> Player
playerOf a 
  | show a == " W" = PlayerWhite
  | otherwise = PlayerBlack

-- Flip a piece over
flipPiece :: Piece -> Piece
flipPiece (Piece (x,y) z)
  | z == PlayerWhite = (Piece (x,y) PlayerBlack)
  | otherwise = (Piece (x,y) PlayerWhite)

-- Board type and utility functions
type Board = [Piece]

-- The initial configuration of the game board
initialBoard :: Board
initialBoard =
    Piece (3,4) PlayerWhite, Piece (4,4) PlayerBlack,
    Piece (3,3) PlayerBlack, Piece (4,3) PlayerWhite

-- Given a Position value, is there a piece at that position?
isOccupied :: Position -> Board -> Bool
isOccupied (x,y) b
  | any (\(Piece b c) -> b == (x,y)) b = True
  | otherwise = False

-- Which piece is at a given position?
-- Return Nothing in the case that there is no piece at the position
-- Otherwise return Just the_piece
pieceAt :: Position -> Board -> Maybe Piece
pieceAt (x,y) b
  | isOccupied (x,y) b = (find (\(Piece (a,b) player) -> (a,b) == (x,y)) b)
  | otherwise = Nothing

-- ***
-- Determine if a particular piece can be placed on a board.
-- There are two conditions:
-- (1) no two pieces can occupy the same space, and
-- (2) at least one of the other player's pieces must be flipped by the placement of the new piece.
validMove :: Piece -> Board -> Bool
validMove (Piece (x,y) p) b
  | isOccupied (x,y) b && toFlip (Piece (x,y) p) b /= [] = True
  | otherwise = False

-- ***
-- Determine which pieces would be flipped by the placement of a new piece
toFlip :: Piece -> Board -> [Piece]
toFlip (Piece (x,y) player) b
  | validMove (Piece (x,y) player) b = (getLineDir (-1,-1) (Piece (x,y) player) b) ++
                                       (getLineDir (-1,0)  (Piece (x,y) player) b) ++
                                       (getLineDir (-1,1)  (Piece (x,y) player) b) ++
                                       (getLineDir (0,-1)  (Piece (x,y) player) b) ++
                                       (getLineDir (0,0)   (Piece (x,y) player) b) ++
                                       (getLineDir (0,1)   (Piece (x,y) player) b) ++
                                       (getLineDir (1,-1)  (Piece (x,y) player) b) ++
                                       (getLineDir (1,0)   (Piece (x,y) player) b) ++
                                       (getLineDir (1,1)   (Piece (x,y) player) b)
  | otherwise = []

-- ***
-- Auxillary function for toFlip.
-- You don't have to use this function if you prefer to define toFlip some other way.
-- Determine which pieces might get flipped along a particular line
-- when a new piece is placed on the board.
-- The first argument is a vector (pair of integers) that describes
-- the direction of the line to check.
-- The second argument is the hypothetical new piece.
-- The return value is either the empty list,
-- a list where all pieces belong to the same player,
-- or a list where the last piece belongs to the player of the hypothetical piece.
-- Only in the last case can any of the pieces be flipped.
getLineDir :: (Int, Int) -> Piece -> Board -> [Piece]
getLineDir (x1,y1) (Piece (x,y) player) b
  | isOccupied (x*x1, y*y1) b && (pieceAt (x, y) b) == (pieceAt (x*x1, y*y1) b) = (concat . concat) (map (\(Piece (x,y) player) -> drop 1 [filter (\(Piece (x,y) player) -> (x,y) == (x*x1, y*y1))    b]++[(getLineDir (x*x1, y*y1) (Piece (x,y) player) b)]) b)
  | otherwise = []
--getLineDir :: (Int, Int) -> Piece -> Board -> [Piece]
--getLineDir (x1,y1) (Piece (x,y) player) b
--    | isOccupied (x*x1, y*y1) b && (pieceAt (x, y) b) == (pieceAt (x*x1, y*y1) b) = (Piece (x, y) player):(getLineDir (x*x1, y*y1)    (Piece (x,y) player) b)
--   | otherwise = []

-- ***
-- Auxillary function for toFlip.
-- You don't have to use this function if you prefer to define toFlip some other way.
-- Given the output from getLineDir, determine which, if any, of the pieces would be flipped.

--flippable :: [Piece] -> [Piece]
-- ***
-- Place a new piece on the board.  Assumes that it constitutes a validMove
makeMove :: Piece -> Board -> Board
makeMove p b = [p]++b

-- ***
-- Find all valid moves for a particular player
allMoves :: Player -> Board -> [Piece]
allMoves p ((Piece (x,y) plr):bs) =
   if p == plr then ( toFlip (Piece (x,y) p) [Piece (x,y) p]++bs )++(allMoves p bs)    else []

--allMoves :: Player -> Board -> [Piece]
--allMoves p b
--    | filter (\(Piece (x,y) player) -> player == p) b /= [] = (concat . concat) (map (\x -> drop 1 [filter (\(Piece (x,y) player)    -> player == p) b]++[(toFlip x b)] ) (filter (\(Piece (x,y) player) -> player == p) b))
--    | otherwise = []

-- ***
-- Count the number of pieces belonging to a player
score :: Player -> Board -> Int
score player [] = 0 score player ((Piece pos plr):bs) = if player == plr then 1 + score player bs else score player bs

-- Decide whether or not the game is over. The game is over when neither player can make a validMove
isGameOver :: Board -> Bool
isGameOver b
  | allMoves PlayerBlack b == [] && allMoves PlayerWhite b == [] = True
  | otherwise = False

-- Find out who wins the game.
-- Return Nothing in the case of a draw.
-- Otherwise return Just the_Player
winner :: Board -> Maybe Player
winner b
  | score PlayerWhite b > score PlayerBlack b = Just PlayerWhite
  | score PlayerWhite b < score PlayerBlack b = Just PlayerBlack
  | otherwise = Nothing


这可能是由永无止境的递归引起的。您可能想深入研究一下 getLineDir ,它会递归,但不清楚它是否完成。

您可能还想使用调试器来查看跟踪代码的执行情况(请参阅 )。


f :: a -> Bool
f a | someGuard = True
    | otherwise = False


f :: a -> Bool
f a = someGuard

另一件事,[x]++xs 最好这样做:x : xs。 (参见makeMove)


flipPiece :: Piece -> Piece
flipPiece (Piece (x,y) z)
  | z == PlayerWhite = (Piece (x,y) PlayerBlack)
  | otherwise = (Piece (x,y) PlayerWhite)


 flipPiece :: Piece -> Piece
 flipPiece (Piece xy PlayerWhite) = Piece xy PieceBlack
 flipPiece (Piece xy PlayerBlack) = Piece xy PieceWhite

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