react-native - React-Query:单击按钮时如何使用Query

标签 react-native react-query

我是新手 react-query图书馆。


const fetchData = async()=>{...}

// it starts fetching data from backend with this line of code
const {status, data, error} = useQuery(myKey, fetchData());

有用。但是如何仅在单击按钮时触发数据获取? ,我知道我可能会做类似 <Button onPress={() => {useQuery(myKey, fetchData())}}/> 的事情,但是如何管理返回的数据和状态...


根据API Reference ,您需要更改 enabled选项 禁止查询自动运行。然后你手动重新获取。

// emulates axios/fetch since useQuery expectes a Promise
const emulateFetch = async _ => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    resolve([{ data: "ok" }]);

const handleClick = () => {
  // manually refetch

const { data, refetch } = useQuery("key", emulateFetch, {
  refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
  enabled: false // turned off by default, manual refetch is needed

return (
    <button onClick={handleClick}>Click me</button>
工作沙箱 here .

奖励:您可以将任何返回 bool 值的内容传递给 enabled .
这样你就可以创建 Dependant/Serial queries .
// Get the user
const { data: user } = useQuery(['user', email], getUserByEmail)
// Then get the user's projects
const { isIdle, data: projects } = useQuery(
    // `user` would be `null` at first (falsy),
    // so the query will not execute until the user exists
    enabled: user,

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