Git rebase --continue 不打开编辑器

标签 git

在正常的 rebase 冲突后调用 git rebase --continue 时,编辑器 ( GIT_EDITOR ) 将打开并要求修改提交消息。因为提交消息可能包含前导 # 这可能会失败。

$ export GIT_EDITOR=true
$ git rebase --continue
Aborting commit due to empty commit message.
error: could not commit staged changes.
Git rebase documentation 中有以下段落

Commit Rewording When a conflict occurs while rebasing, rebase stops and asks the user to resolve. Since the user may need to make notable changes while resolving conflicts, after conflicts are resolved and the user has run git rebase --continue, the rebase should open an editor and ask the user to update the commit message. The merge backend does this, while the apply backend blindly applies the original commit message.

$ export GIT_EDITOR=true
$ git config rebase.backend apply
$ $ git config --list | grep backend
$ git rebase --continue
Aborting commit due to empty commit message.
error: could not commit staged changes.
如何强制 Git 盲目应用提交消息?


我发现的一种解决方法是指定从 core.commentChar 检测到的 .git/rebase-merge/message (此处为 @ ):

git -c core.commentChar=@ rebase --continue

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