UML - 如何将类图与子类垂直对齐

标签 uml class-diagram plantuml

在随附的 UML 图中有 5 个类,我想了解如何在子类保持对齐的情况下使 A、B 和 C 类的顶部垂直对齐。请在下面找到我的 UML 代码和屏幕截图。

非常感谢您的支持! :)


enter image description here


enter image description here

UML - 代码:

@startuml TestClassDiagram
scale 800 width
skinparam SameClassWidth true
skinparam ClassFontSize 15

class classA {
{field}  - attribute1  : int
{field}  - attribute2  : int
{method} + method1(void)
{method} + method2(void)
{method} + method3(void)
{method} + method4(void)
{method} + method5(void)

class classB {
{field}  - attribute1 : int
{field}  - attribute2 : int
{method} + method1(void)
{method} + method2(void)
class classBchild     {
{method} + method1(void)    

class classC {
{field}  - attribute1  : int
{field}  - attribute2  : int
{field}  - attribute3  : int
{field}  - attribute4  : int
{method} + method1(void)
{method} + method2(void)
{method} + method3(void)
{method} + method4(void)
{method} + method5(void)
class classCchild {
{method} + method1(void)   

classB <|-- classBchild
classC <|-- classCchild



PlantUML 中还没有对齐类的功能(目前)。

如果我们在所有元素之间添加箭头,就可以清楚地看到 PlantUML 试图做什么:


使用它,我们可以创建一个 hack,通过用额外的换行符填充类定义直到它们的大小相同,有点达到你想要的结果:

skinparam {
    SameClassWidth true
    ClassFontSize 15

class A as "classA" {
    {field}  - attribute1  : int
    {field}  - attribute2  : int

    {method} + method1(void)
    {method} + method2(void)
    {method} + method3(void)
    {method} + method4(void)
    {method} + method5(void)

class B as "classB" {
    {field}  - attribute1 : int
    {field}  - attribute2 : int

    {method} + method1(void)
    {method} + method2(void)


class Bc as "classBchild"     {
    {method} + method1(void)    

class C as "classC" {
    {field}  - attribute1  : int
    {field}  - attribute2  : int
    {field}  - attribute3  : int
    {field}  - attribute4  : int

    {method} + method1(void)
    {method} + method2(void)
    {method} + method3(void)
    {method} + method4(void)
    {method} + method5(void)

class Cc as "classCchild" {
    {method} + method1(void)   

B <|-- Bc
C <|-- Cc

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