project-reactor - 将 Flux 转换为 Mono,在 Mono 上执行方法并转换回 Flux

标签 project-reactor


// TODO Capitalize the users username, firstName and lastName 
// using #asyncCapitalizeUser method below

Flux<User> asyncCapitalizeMany(Flux<User> flux) {


Mono<User> asyncCapitalizeUser(User u) {
    return Mono.just(
            new User(u.getUsername().toUpperCase(),


return flux
    .map(user -> asyncCapitalizeUser(user))




return flux

 * Transform the elements emitted by this {@link Flux} asynchronously into Publishers,
 * then flatten these inner publishers into a single {@link Flux} through merging,
 * which allow them to interleave.
 * <p>
 * There are three dimensions to this operator that can be compared with
 * {@link #flatMapSequential(Function) flatMapSequential} and {@link #concatMap(Function) concatMap}:
 * <ul>
 *     <li><b>Generation of inners and subscription</b>: this operator is eagerly
 *     subscribing to its inners.</li>
 *     <li><b>Ordering of the flattened values</b>: this operator does not necessarily preserve
 *     original ordering, as inner element are flattened as they arrive.</li>
 *     <li><b>Interleaving</b>: this operator lets values from different inners interleave
 *     (similar to merging the inner sequences).</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * <img class="marble" src="" alt="">
 * <p>
 * @param mapper the {@link Function} to transform input sequence into N sequences {@link Publisher}
 * @param <R> the merged output sequence type
 * @return a new {@link Flux}
public final <R> Flux<R> flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapper) {

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关于project-reactor - 将 Flux 转换为 Mono,在 Mono 上执行方法并转换回 Flux,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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