tensorflow - Keras 密集层输出为 'nan'

标签 tensorflow keras deep-learning

我正在使用 Keras 构建具有 CTC 损失的 RNN 模型。

我发现当使用activation=None 将张量传递给 Dense 层时,该层的输出都是nan

但是当设置 activation='softmax' 时,输出是normal 而不是 nan


logits = Dense(out_shape, activation = None, name="logits")(x_permute)#x_permute is a tensor with shape (?,1876,96)
loss_ctc = Lambda(ctc_lambda_func, name='ctc_my')(
    [logits, labels, x_len, lab_len])
model = Model(inputs=[x, labels, x_len, lab_len], outputs=[loss_ctc])
model.compile(loss={'ctc_my': lambda y_true,y_pred: y_pred}, optimizer='adadelta')


logits = Dense(out_shape, activation = None, name="logits")(x_permute)#x_permute is a tensor with shape (?,1876,96)
output = Activation(activation="softmax", name="softmax")(logits)
loss_ctc = Lambda(ctc_lambda_func, name='ctc_my')(
    [output, labels, x_len, lab_len])
model = Model(inputs=[x, labels, x_len, lab_len], outputs=[loss_ctc])
model.compile(loss={'ctc_my': lambda y_true,y_pred: y_pred}, optimizer='adadelta')

def ctc_lambda_func(args):

    y_pred, y_true, input_length, label_length = args

    return ctc_batch_cost(y_true, y_pred,input_length,label_length)



我可能会误解你,但你为什么要激活=“无”? 也许您想使用的是线性激活?

看看Keras Activation Functions

关于tensorflow - Keras 密集层输出为 'nan',我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51607153/


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