r - 漏洞? Stargazer 无法使用 "omit"选项正确显示固定效应/因子标签?

标签 r stargazer

当我在 stargazer 中生成一个表并忽略固定效果,然后指定 omit.labels 选项时,stargazer(版本 5.2.2)对每个显示“否”柱子。这是一个例子:


# generate example data
list_of_states <- rep(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 5)
df <- data.frame("state" = list_of_states, "y" = runif(25),
    "x1" = runif(25), "x2" = runif(25))

# OLS without fixed effects
ols.1 <- glm(y ~ x1, data = df)
ols.2 <- glm(y ~ x1 + x2, data = df)

# OLS with fixed effects
fe.1 <- glm(y ~ x1 + factor(state), data = df)
fe.2 <- glm(y ~ x1 + x2 + factor(state), data = df)

stargazer(ols.1, ols.2, fe.1, fe.2,
  type = "text",
  align = TRUE,
  omit = c("state"),
  omit.labels = c("State FE"))


                        Dependent variable:       
                    (1)      (2)     (3)     (4)  
x1                 0.088    0.098   0.151   0.157 
                  (0.241)  (0.264) (0.263) (0.283)

x2                          0.028           0.022 
                           (0.270)         (0.287)

Constant          0.485*** 0.467*  0.466**  0.452 
                  (0.142)  (0.227) (0.215) (0.280)

State FE             No      No      No      No   
Observations         25      25      25      25   
Log Likelihood     -5.321  -5.315  -3.528  -3.524 
Akaike Inf. Crit.  14.642  16.630  19.056  21.048 
Note:                  *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

“状态 FE”行中的标签应在最后两列中显示"is"。这是错误吗?



cbind(names(coef(ols.1)), names(coef(fe.1)))
#      [,1]          [,2]            
# [1,] "(Intercept)" "(Intercept)"   
# [2,] "x1"          "x1"            
# [3,] "(Intercept)" "factor(state)2"
# [4,] "x1"          "factor(state)3"
# [5,] "(Intercept)" "factor(state)4"
# [6,] "x1"          "factor(state)5"

然后检查每列是否有 omit 正则表达式。然而,实际发生的事情是这样的

cbind(cbind(NULL, names(coef(ols.1))), names(coef(fe.1)))
#      [,1]          [,2]         
# [1,] "(Intercept)" "(Intercept)"
# [2,] "x1"          "x1"  

这导致找不到 omit 项。发生这种情况是因为,从 ?cbind

When the arguments consist of a mix of matrices and vectors the number of columns (rows) of the result is determined by the number of columns (rows) of the matrix arguments. Any vectors have their values recycled or subsetted to achieve this length.

关于r - 漏洞? Stargazer 无法使用 "omit"选项正确显示固定效应/因子标签?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53026337/


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