latex - Mendeley bibtex 中缩写的期刊标题?

标签 latex bibtex mendeley

我正在尝试从 Mendeley 获取缩写的期刊名称到 bibtex,但遇到了问题。我已按照说明进行操作 here激活缩写,但它们不会出现在 bibtex 中。例如,如果我'Copy as formatted citation'我得到:

1. Baylor, L. R. et al. Pellet fuelling, ELM pacing and disruption mitigation technology development for ITER. Nucl. Fusion 49, 085013 (2009).

其中有缩略期刊(Nucl. Fusion)。但是,如果我 'Copy as BibTeX entry' 我得到:

author = {Baylor, L. R. and Combs, S. K. and Foust, C. R. and Jernigan, T. C. and Meitner, S. J. and Parks, P. B. and Caughman, J. B. and Fehling, D. T. and Maruyama, S. and Qualls, A. L. and Rasmussen, D. A. and Thomas, C. E.},
journal = {Nuclear Fusion},
pages = {085013},
title = {{Pellet fuelling, ELM pacing and disruption mitigation technology development for ITER}},
volume = {49},
year = {2009}




这是一个 MWEB:


   author = {Baylor, L. R. and Combs, S. K. and Foust, C. R. and Jernigan, T. C. and Meitner, S. J. and Parks, P. B. and Caughman, J. B. and Fehling, D. T. and Maruyama, S. and Qualls, A. L. and Rasmussen, D. A. and Thomas, C. E.},
   journal = {Nuclear Fusion},
   pages = {085013},
   title = {{Pellet fuelling, ELM pacing and disruption mitigation technology development for ITER}},
   volume = {49},
   year = {2009}






您可以告诉 biblatex 用您选择的缩写替换全名:


   author = {Baylor, L. R. and Combs, S. K. and Foust, C. R. and Jernigan, T. C. and Meitner, S. J. and Parks, P. B. and Caughman, J. B. and Fehling, D. T. and Maruyama, S. and Qualls, A. L. and Rasmussen, D. A. and Thomas, C. E.},
   journal = {Nuclear Fusion},
   pages = {085013},
   title = {{Pellet fuelling, ELM pacing and disruption mitigation technology development for ITER}},
   volume = {49},
   year = {2009}

          replace={Nucl.\ Fusion}]





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