google-play-console - Google Play 开发者支持未回复电子邮件

标签 google-play-console

我这辈子都无法得到 Google Play 支持的回复。我有 2 个应用程序被删除,因为它们具有相同的代码库,即使它们的品牌不同,这是故意的,我们对此无能为力,这是两家公司想要的。无论如何,我正在努力提出上诉,但已经快一个月了,谷歌的任何人都没有任何消息。我首先回复了他们的电子邮件,他们通知我应用程序已被删除,并提供了提出上诉的链接,我使用了该链接,但一周内没有收到任何回复。所以我去了 Google Play Console 帮助并在那里提出上诉,等了一个多星期,没有任何回音。然后我去找 Google General help 并告诉他们我告诉你的同样的故事,但仍然没有听到任何消息。我一直在观察我的电子邮件和垃圾邮件过滤器,就像老鹰一样,我确保我使用的是 Google Play 帐户上的电子邮件,但仍然没有。我还不断检查 Google Play Console 网站中的消息或警报。

我该怎么做才能从 Google 获得帮助?



Phil 11:52 AM
You are now connected to Phil . Please type your message and hit 'Enter' to send.
Phil 11:52 AM
Hi there, thanks for contacting Google Play Developer Support!

There will be a short survey at the end of our chat so you can provide feedback on the service I'm providing.

Please give me a moment while I review your issue.
Me 11:52 AM
Phil 11:53 AM
May I please have the package name of the app you're referring to? Package names generally look like "com.package.example"
Me 11:53 AM
Phil 11:54 AM
Thanks, Please give me a second as I check this! Be right back
Me 11:54 AM
...both were removed
Phil 11:55 AM
I apologize, policy support is beyond my scope of assistance
Phil 11:55 AM
I see that your case has been routed to the appropriate team and they will get back to you through email
Me 11:56 AM
Me 11:56 AM
Well they asked for 72 hours
Me 11:56 AM
it's been a couple weeks now
Me 11:56 AM
Phil 11:56 AM
I apologize for the inconvenience
Phil 11:56 AM
The appropriate team will get back to you through email
Me 11:57 AM
Do you know what email address they'll respond to by any chance, that way I know which one to watch like a hawk?
Me 11:57 AM
it could be <REDACTED> or it could be <REDACTED>
Me 11:57 AM
I have no idea
Phil 11:58 AM
Please let me know which is a good email to reach you and I will add a note to reach you in that email
Me 11:58 AM
<REDACTED> is the best
Phil 11:58 AM
Great, I will add this email to the response
Phil 11:59 AM
Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Me 11:59 AM
Me 11:59 AM
Who can I contact to get some sort of time-table?
Me 11:59 AM
This is pretty important, lol
Phil 12:00 PM
I apologize, the appropriate team will have to get back to you through email
Me 12:00 PM
Any idea how long my company has to wait?
Phil 12:01 PM
Because my team and I are not involved in this, I cannot give you an estimated time . Let me know if you have questions using play console and I'm happy to help
Me 12:01 PM
Is there someone on that team I can contact to get a status?
Phil 12:02 PM
The appropriate team will get back to you through email and you can follow up with them
Me 12:02 PM
The bigger the company, the worse the support
Phil 12:02 PM
I apologize for the inconvenience
Me 12:03 PM
Thanks anyway, you are doing what you are told
Me 12:03 PM
Have a great day!

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