reactjs - 如何在 axios 中使用备忘录?

标签 reactjs react-hooks

在同一参数下从同一 API 返回响应后,如何避免重新访问 API

我如何将 useMemo 钩子(Hook)与 axios 部分一起使用以获得更好的性能,因为我是 react 新手,并且确实研究过 useMemo 可用于性能优化。



 const initialState = {
      SwichManagment: [],
      Error: false

  const reducer = (state, action) => {
      switch (action.type) {
          case "FETCHREQUEST":
              return {
                  hasError: false
          case "FETCHSUCCESS":
              return {
                  SwichManagment: action.payload,
          case "FETCHFAILURE":
              return {
                  hasError: true
              return state;
  const SwitchManagment = ({ IdentifierId  }) => {

  const [states, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState)

const memo = (callback) => {
  const cache = new Map();
  return (...args) => {
    const selector = JSON.stringify(args);
    if (cache.has(selector)) return cache.get(selector);
    const value = callback(...args);
    cache.set(selector, value);
    return value;

const memoizedAxiosGet = memo(axios.get);  

      useEffect(() => {
              type: "FETCHREQUEST"
              .then(reponse => {
                      type: "FETCHSUCCESS",
              .catch(error => {
                      type: "FETCHFAILURE"
      }, [IdentifierId]);

      return (
        <div >
        {Object.keys(states.SwitchManagment).map(key => (
          <div className="item" key={states.SwitchManagment[key].id}>


React.useMemo不保存以前结果中的值。查看this example at :

  const value = useMemo(() => expensiveFunction(a), [a]);

When it already did the calculation for a being 2, then it won't do it for 2 next time. Likewise for the 3 or 4.

However, it really can only memoize one value. If the first time, it did the calculation for 1, and next it did the calculation for 2, it won't remember what the result is for 1 any more. When supplied with 1 again, it will do the calculation again.

所以在你的情况下,你应该创建一个 memo长内存功能:
const memo = (callback) => {
  // We will save the key-value pairs in the following variable. It will be our cache storage
  const cache = new Map();
  return (...args) => {
    // The key will be used to identify the different arguments combination. Same arguments means same key
    const key = JSON.stringify(args);
    // If the cache storage has the key we are looking for, return the previously stored value
    if (cache.has(key)) return cache.get(key);
    // If the key is new, call the function (in your case axios.get)
    const value = callback(...args);
    // And save the new key-value pair to the cache
    cache.set(key, value);
    return value;

const memoizedAxiosGet = memo(axios.get);
这个memo函数将充当键值缓存。如果您的函数( axios.get )的参数(在您的情况下是您的 URL)相同,则不会执行该函数。相反,将返回先前的结果。
所以你可以使用这个内存版本memoizedAxiosGet在您的 useEffect以确保不会针对该特定请愿重复网络请求。
Check this demo integrated in React!

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