caching - 无论如何要清理mercurial缓存

标签 caching mercurial

目前 .hgcache 文件夹占用了我 30GB 的磁盘空间。我正在使用只有 256GB 磁盘的 MAC 书,另一方面 Xcode 经常吃光所有磁盘,只是想知道有什么方法可以从 hgcache 文件夹中释放一些磁盘空间。


来自 official documentation on caching :

We have a few on-disk caches, which are stored in .hg/cache. These include the branch cache and the tag cache. Notably, these caches are designed to be 'pure', in the sense that Mercurial can operate without them. If Mercurial is unable to read or write them for some reason, it will continue to operate but more slowly.

通常,很容易发现 .hg/cache 中的哪些文件与分支相关,哪些与标签相关。 (如果您看到“rbc”指的是“revbranchcache”。)

如果 .hg/cache 中有与分支或缓存无关的文件或目录,那么小心删除它们可能是个好主意。

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