git - 可以重命名分支吗?

标签 git gitlab

我在 git 上工作了一段时间(使用。

是否可以更改该分支名称 - 即使它有多个提交并且过去已经 merge 到另一个分支 - 本地和远程?

因为它是一个“旧”分支,已经被 merge 了,所以我不能建立一个新分支并删除旧分支。


Is it possible to change that branch name

# use the -m flag for move
git branch -m <oldname> <newname>

# now you have to push the new branch to the server
git push origin <newname>

# delete the old remote branch
git push origin --delete <oldname>

Because it is a 'old' branch, which has already being merged, I can't build a new one and delete the old one.

如果您的分支已 merge 并且您不再需要它,您可以在本地删除它:

git branch -D <oldname>

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