OpenAPI 鉴别器的一个默认值

标签 openapi

给定以下 OpenAPI YAML,我们是否总是需要在创建 Pet 时定义 petType

我可以在不指定 petType 的情况下默认创建类型为 Dog 的宠物吗?有什么方法可以用 OpenAPI 做到这一点吗?

  - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Cat'
  - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Dog'
  - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Lizard'
     propertyName: petType


do we always need to define petType while creating Pet

是的。如 Discriminator Object 中所述OpenAPI 规范部分(强调我的):

a discriminator MAY act as a "hint" to ... selection of the matching schema ... We can then describe exactly which field tells us which schema to use:
The expectation now is that a property with name petType MUST be present in ... payload, and the value will correspond to the name of a schema defined in the OAS document.

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