python - 模糊搜索 Pandas 中的列

标签 python pandas string-matching fuzzy-search fuzzy-comparison

有没有办法使用 FuzzyWuzzy 或类似库在数据框列中搜索值? 我试图在考虑模糊匹配的同时在一列中找到与另一列中的值相对应的值。所以

因此,例如,如果我在一列中有州名,在另一列中有州代码,我如何找到佛罗里达州的州代码,即餐饮时的 FL像“Flor”这样的缩写?




如果缩写都是前缀,您可以对状态的短版本或长版本使用.startswith() 字符串方法。

>>> test_value = "Flor"
>>> test_value.upper().startswith("FL")
>>> "Florida".lower().startswith(test_value.lower())


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import difflib
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"states": ("Florida", "Texas"), "st": ("FL", "TX")})
>>> df
    states  st
0  Florida  FL
1    Texas  TX
>>> difflib.get_close_matches("Flor", df["states"].to_list())
>>> difflib.get_close_matches("x", df["states"].to_list(), cutoff=0.2)
>>> df["st"][df.index[df["states"]=="Texas"]].iloc[0]

您可能想尝试/排除 IndexError 从 difflib 读取返回列表的第一个成员,并可能调整截止值以减少与关闭状态的错误匹配(可能将所有状态提供为可能性 某些用户或需要更多的关闭状态字母)。



def state_from_partial(test_text, df, col_fullnames, col_shortnames):
    if len(test_text) < 2:
        raise ValueError("must have at least 2 characters")

    # if there's exactly two characters, try to directly match short name
    if len(test_text) == 2 and test_text.upper() in df[col_shortnames]:
        return test_text.upper()

    states = df[col_fullnames].to_list()
    match = None
    # this will definitely fail at least for states starting with M or New
    #for state in states:
    #    if state.lower().startswith(test_text.lower())
    #        match = state
    #        break  # leave loop and prepare to find the prefix

    if not match:
        try:  # see if there's a fuzzy match
            match = difflib.get_close_matches(test_text, states)[0]  # cutoff=0.6
        except IndexError:
            pass  # consider matching against a list of problematic states with different cutoff

    if match:
        return df[col_shortnames][df.index[df[col_fullnames]==match]].iloc[0]

    raise ValueError("couldn't find a state matching partial: {}".format(test_text))


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