python - 如何在 while 循环中连接两个值?

标签 python

print("Welcome to the CALCULATORBRO. Please type 'finish' when you have finished.")
number = ""
operator = ""
while number or operator != "finish":
    number = input("Please insert a number.")
    while number.isdigit() is False:
        number = input("Please insert a number")
        operator = input("Insert an operator.")
        OPERATORLIST = ["+", "-", "/", "*"]
        while operator not in OPERATORLIST:
            operator = input("Please insert an operator.")

你好!我已经学习 Python 3-4 天了,并且编写了类似这样的代码3。我的计划是从列表 (CALCULATOR) 中获取值并将它们作为操作执行。但是,我无法正确地进行第一个 while 循环。如何在“运算符”和“数字”输入上应用 while 循环?



while number or operator != "finish": 更改为 while number != "finish"and operator != "finish":
while number or operator != "finish": 首先查看 bool(number) 是否为 True(这将是 True 当字符串包含某些内容时),然后查看 operator 是否不等于 "finish",然后查看其中一个结果是否为 True。

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