Gitlab 生成变更日志脚本

标签 git gitlab

第一次使用 Gitlab。

我在本地 PC 上有一个现有的 Web 项目,我运行了这些命令;

cd /myFolder
git init
git add .
git remote add origin remote repository URL
git commit -m "First commit"
git push origin master

这将我所有的文件添加到我的远程仓库中 - 到目前为止一切正常。

我注意到在gitlab网站上,在我的项目页面上,有一个按钮Add Changelog(以及add readmeadd licence等)。我点击了这个按钮,并在我的文件夹中创建了一个空的,我已经能够将其 pull 入我的本地仓库。


我已阅读 documentationthis question但我还是不明白。

我在本地仓库的任何地方都看不到 bin/changelog

我是否必须克隆整个 Gitlab在某处 repo ?




参见 GitLab 13.9(2021 年 2 月)

Create changelogs using the GitLab API

Previously, generating a changelog using GitLab was a manual process. Release Managers had to collect all the changes for a given release and then manually add them to a changelog file, which was time-consuming and prone to error. To make this process easier, we have now added an API that will automatically generate a changelog for a given release based on commit history. This enables development teams to better communicate changes to end users by delivering a consistent and comprehensive set of changelogs for every release.

See Documentation and Issue.


## 1.0.0 (2021-01-05)

### Features (4 changes)

- [Feature 1](gitlab-org/gitlab@123abc) by @alice ([merge request](gitlab-org/gitlab!123))
- [Feature 2](gitlab-org/gitlab@456abc) ([merge request](gitlab-org/gitlab!456))
- [Feature 3](gitlab-org/gitlab@234abc) by @steve
- [Feature 4](gitlab-org/gitlab@456)

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