php - 获取已购买商品的所有客户的列表

标签 php wordpress woocommerce orders

我如何获得至少购买了某样东西的客户列表,以及是否可能按订单数量对他们进行排序?根据我的理解,_order_count 元键存在,并且如果他们下了订单,则设置为整数订单数。


$args = array(
     'role' => 'customer',
     'number' => -1,
     'order' => 'ASC',
     'orderby' => 'meta_value',
     'meta_query' => array(
               'key'     => '_order_count',
               'value'   => array(''),
               'compare' => 'NOT IN'

$query = new WP_User_Query($args);


<?php if (! empty($query->get_results())) : ?>

     <table class="table">

                         <th data-sort="string">Name</th>
                         <th data-sort="string">Email</th>
                         <th data-sort="float">Total spent (<?php echo get_option('woocommerce_currency'); ?>)</th>
                         <th data-sort="int">Order placed</th>


          <?php foreach ($query->get_results() as $user) : ?>

               <?php $customer = new WP_User($user->ID); ?>

                    <td><?php echo $user->display_name; ?></td>
                    <td><?php echo $user->user_email; ?></td>
                    <td><?php echo wc_get_customer_total_spent($user->ID); ?></td>
                    $customer_orders = get_posts(array(
                         'numberposts' => -1,
                         'meta_key'    => '_customer_user',
                         'meta_value'  => $user->ID,
                         'post_type'   => wc_get_order_types(),
                         'post_status' => array('wc-pending', 'wc-processing', 'wc-completed') //array_keys(wc_get_order_statuses()),
                    echo count($customer_orders);

          <?php endforeach; ?>


<?php endif; ?>


尝试使用以下代码,该代码使用非常简单的 SQL 查询来获取 $customers ID。对于客户订单计数,您可以使用专用函数 wc_get_customer_order_count()

global $wpdb;
$customer_ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT DISTINCT meta_value  FROM $wpdb->postmeta
    WHERE meta_key = '_customer_user' AND meta_value > 0");
$currency = ' (' . get_option('woocommerce_currency') . ')';
if (sizeof($customer_ids) > 0) : ?>
<table class="table">
            <th data-sort="string"><?php _e("Name", "woocommerce"); ?></th>
            <th data-sort="string"><?php _e("Email", "woocommerce"); ?></th>
            <th data-sort="float"><?php _e("Total spent", "woocommerce"); echo $currency; ?></th>
            <th data-sort="int"><?php _e("Orders placed", "woocommerce"); ?></th>
    <?php foreach ($customer_ids as $customer_id) :
        $customer = new WP_User($customer_id); ?>
            <td><?php echo $customer->display_name; ?></td>
            <td><?php echo $customer->user_email; ?></td>
            <td><?php echo wc_get_customer_total_spent($customer_id); ?></td>
            <td><?php echo wc_get_customer_order_count($customer_id); ?></td>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>


Users meta_key _order_count and _order_total doesn't exist until WC_Customer_Data_Store get_order_count() and get_total_spent() methods have run once for each customer. Also the related meta values are also updated when those methods are executed for a customer.

The functions wc_get_customer_total_spent() and wc_get_customer_order_count() execute those methods and refresh the corresponding user meta data.

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