php - 带有 Composer 的交互式 PHP 脚本

标签 php symfony composer-php symfony4 post-install

我想在 composer updatecomposer install 之后自动从 composer.json 文件运行一个交互式 PHP 脚本,例如:

"scripts": {
    "raven-cmd": [
        "php bin/console kolesar:boilerplate:setup"
    "auto-scripts": {
        "cache:clear": "symfony-cmd",
        "assets:install --symlink --relative %PUBLIC_DIR%": "symfony-cmd",
        "assets:install %PUBLIC_DIR%": "symfony-cmd"
    "post-install-cmd": [
    "post-update-cmd": [

Symfony 命令 php bin/console kolesar:boilerplate:setup 是交互式脚本,需要一些用户输入,但这不起作用。确切地说,交互模式不起作用。

任何提示,如何解决这个问题?或者在 composer update/install 之后有另一个强制设置的想法?


您可以在脚本调用之后简单地放置“< /dev/tty”。 :

There is another difference that may affect some commands, and that is that standard input will be attached to a TTY when the script is ran directly from the shell, but will be a redirected input stream when run through Composer. This can have various effects; for example, Symfony Console will not call the interact() method if there is no attached TTY. This could get in your way if, for example, you were trying to write functional tests that test interaction, as the consolidation/annotated-command project does. There are a couple of options for fixing this situation. The first is to explicitly specify that standard input should come from a TTY when running the command

This effectively gets Symfony Console to call the interact() method again; however, the down-side to this option is that it is not as portable



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