.net - 如何在 ColdFusion 中设置 .NET 枚举

标签 .net coldfusion coldfusion-10

如下所示调用了一个 .Net 对象(如下所示的 cfdump)...

<cfobject type=".NET" name="GoCardless" class="GoCardlessSdk.GoCardless" assembly="#expandpath("../GoCardlessSdk.dll")#,#expandpath("../Newtonsoft.Json.dll")#,#expandpath("../RestSharp.dll")#">

cfdump of .Net object

我现在需要设置一个枚举。示例 .Net 代码为:

GoCardless.Environment = GoCardless.Environments.Sandbox;

该类的 C# 代码如下所示:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using GoCardlessSdk.Api;
using GoCardlessSdk.Connect;
using GoCardlessSdk.Helpers;
using GoCardlessSdk.Partners;

namespace GoCardlessSdk
    public static class GoCardless
        static GoCardless()
            AccountDetails = new AccountDetails();

        public enum Environments

        public static readonly Dictionary<Environments, string> BaseUrls =
            new Dictionary<Environments, string>
                    {Environments.Production, "https://gocardless.com"},
                    {Environments.Sandbox, "https://sandbox.gocardless.com"},
                    {Environments.Test, "http://gocardless.com"}

        private static string _baseUrl;

        public static string BaseUrl
            get { return _baseUrl ?? BaseUrls[Environment ?? Environments.Production]; }
            set { _baseUrl = value.Trim(); }

        public static Environments? Environment { get; set; }

        public static AccountDetails AccountDetails { get; set; }

        public static ApiClient Api
        get { return new ApiClient(AccountDetails.Token); }

        public static ConnectClient Connect
            get { return new ConnectClient(); }

        public static PartnerClient Partner
            get { return new PartnerClient(); }

        internal static string UserAgent = GetUserAgent();
        private static string GetUserAgent()
                return "gocardless-dotnet/v" + GetAssemblyFileVersion();
                return "gocardless-dotnet";
        private static string GetAssemblyFileVersion()
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof (GoCardless));
            var attributes = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute), false)
                    as AssemblyFileVersionAttribute[];

            if (attributes != null && attributes.Length == 1)
                return attributes[0].Version;
            return "";

        private static Func<string> _generateNonce;
        internal static Func<string> GenerateNonce
            get { return _generateNonce ?? (_generateNonce = Utils.GenerateNonce); }
            set { _generateNonce = value; }

        private static Func<DateTimeOffset> _getUtcNow; 
        internal static Func<DateTimeOffset> GetUtcNow
            get { return _getUtcNow ?? (_getUtcNow = () => DateTimeOffset.UtcNow); }
            set { _getUtcNow = value; }

有人能向我解释如何在 ColdFusion 中设置枚举吗?





    GoCardless = createObject(".net", "GoCardlessSdk.GoCardless","path to GoCardless DLL,paths to supporting DLLs");

    Environments = createObject(".net", "GoCardlessSdk.GoCardless$Environments", "path to GoCardless DLL");

    util = createObject(".net", "GoCardlessSdk.GoCardlessSdkUtil", "path to utility DLL");

    dumps etc...


如果我删除最后一个 createobject() 调用,前两个运行得很好。即使我在 all createobject() 调用中包含了 all DLL 的路径,我仍然会遇到同样的错误。



通常您可以使用 set_FieldName( value ) 修改字段.但是,我可以从您的屏幕截图中看到该方法不存在。我不确定为什么,所以我做了一些搜索。根据我所阅读的内容,您的类(class)正在使用 Nullable Types :

    public static Environments? Environment { get; set; }

这似乎是问题的根源。据我所知,当涉及可空类型时,jnbridge ( underlying tool used for .net interop) 似乎不会生成代理。这可以解释为什么缺少访问 Evironment 字段的方法。如果您删除 ? 运算符,它就可以正常工作。


    goCardless = createObject(".net", "GoCardlessSdk.GoCardless", ExpandPath("./GoCardlessSdk.dll"));
    Environments = createObject(".net", "GoCardlessSdk.GoCardless$Environments", ExpandPath("./GoCardlessSdk.dll"));
    writeDump( goCardLess.get_Environment().toString() );


namespace GoCardlessSdk
    public static class GoCardless
        static GoCardless()

        public enum Environments

        public static Environments Environment { get; set; }

更新 1:

  • 因此修改类以消除 Nullable 类型是一种选择
  • 另一种可能性是 generate the proxies manually . jnbridge 也 has issues with .net generics ,因此您自己生成代理可能可行。
  • 第三种可能性是编写一个辅助类来设置/获取值而不使用 Nullable 类型。这有点 hack,但确实有效。

2/3 更新:

这是一个更简单的助手类的粗略示例。如果您希望帮助器 get 方法返回 null(与原始方法一样),请使用 getNullableEnvironment。如果您希望返回默认值而不是 null,请使用 getEnvironment。就设置而言,我所做的是:

  • 在 VS 中创建了一个新的解决方案
  • 添加了对 GoCardlessSDK.dll 的引用

   dllPaths = arrayToList( [ ExpandPath("GoCardlessUtil.dll")
                            , ExpandPath("GoCardlessSdk.dll")
                            , ExpandPath("Newtonsoft.Json.dll")
                            , ExpandPath("RestSharp.dll")
    goCardless = createObject(".net", "GoCardlessSdk.GoCardless", dllPaths);
    Environments = createObject(".net", "GoCardlessSdk.GoCardless$Environments", dllPaths);
    util = createObject(".net", "GoCardlessUtil.GoCardlessSdkUtil", dllPaths );
    WriteDump("before="& util.getNullableEnvironment());
    WriteDump("after="& util.getNullableEnvironment().toString());


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using GoCardlessSdk;

namespace GoCardlessUtil
    public class GoCardlessSdkUtil
        public static void setEnvironment(GoCardless.Environments environ)
            GoCardless.Environment = environ;

        // Enum's cannot be null. So we are applying a default
        // value ie "Test" instead of returning null
        public static GoCardless.Environments getEnvironment()
            return GoCardless.Environment.HasValue ? GoCardless.Environment.Value : GoCardless.Environments.Test;

        // This is the closest to the original method
        // Since enum's cannot be null, we must return type Object instead of Environment
        // Note: This will return be null/undefined the first time it is invoked
        public static Object getNullableEnvironment()
            return GoCardless.Environment;

关于.net - 如何在 ColdFusion 中设置 .NET 枚举,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17723113/


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