x509certificate - 如何在Corda中手动生成网络参数

标签 x509certificate corda

我已经手动创建并分发了 Corda 节点所需的证书。现在要启动节点,除其他外,它们需要有一个网络参数。问题是,如果我使用 Corda 网络 Bootstrap 工具生成网络参数,该文件将由另一个发行者签名(“C=UK,L=London,OU=corda,O=R3,CN=Corda Node Root CA ") 这与我的证书的颁发者不同。我的问题是如何手动创建网络参数以便指定正确的发行者以避免在节点启动期间发生冲突?

enter image description here



private fun getSignedNetworkParameters(): NetworkParameters {

        //load the notary from a Keystore. This avoids having to start a flow from a node in order to retrieve NotaryInfo
        val notary = loadKeyStore("\\path-to-keystore\\keystore.jks", "keystore-password")

        val certificateAndKeyPair : CertificateAndKeyPair = notary.getCertificateAndKeyPair("entry-alias", "entry-password")
        val notaryParty = Party(certificateAndKeyPair.certificate)
        val notaryInfo = listOf(NotaryInfo(notaryParty, false))

        //map contract ID to the SHA-256 hash of its CorDapp contracts&states JAR file
        val whitelistedContractImplementations = mapOf(
                TestContract.TEST_CONTRACT_ID to listOf(getCheckSum(contractFile))

        return NetworkParameters(minimumPlatformVersion = 3, notaries = notaryInfo,
                maxMessageSize = n, maxTransactionSize = n, modifiedTime = Instant.now(),
                epoch = 1, whitelistedContractImplementations = whitelistedContractImplementations)

关于x509certificate - 如何在Corda中手动生成网络参数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55743730/


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