google-cloud-platform - 抢占式虚拟机如何工作?

标签 google-cloud-platform google-compute-engine

我在 Google Compute Engine 中创建了一个抢占式虚拟实例。我理解以下警告:

Preemptible instances are available from a finite amount of Compute Engine resources, and might not always be available.

根据 the docs ,抢占式实例会根据可用的计算资源在 24 小时后或之前终止。也就是说,我不太清楚终止在这里意味着什么。

特别是,当我的实例终止时,我的实例和连接到我的实例的所有相关资源 (即 GPU、磁盘(100GB)) 是否会被删除? (或)我是否必须手动删除所有内容,这样我就不会被收费(或)是否终止意味着我的实例将关闭(即停止),当我再次启动它时,所有内容都会在那里(比如我磁盘中的数据(100GB))。文档中不是很详细。


当一个可抢占实例被终止时,它被移动到TERMINATED machine state , 它没有被删除(附属资源也没有)为 documented here .


Preempted instances still appear in your project, but you are not charged for the instance hours while it remains in a TERMINATED state. You can access and recover data from any persistent disks that are attached to the instance, but those disks still incur storage charges until you delete them. As with normal instances, persistent disks that are marked for auto-delete are deleted when you delete the preemptible instance.

再往下就是docmentation related to GPUs这阐明了 GPU 只在实例的生命周期内存在,所以我不认为当您的实例处于 TERMINATED 状态时您会为此付费。

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