ios - 如果 ViewController 包含 TableView 作为根目录,如何将它添加到导航 Controller ?

标签 ios uinavigationcontroller tableview viewcontroller


我正在尝试将 UIViewController (AddProjectViewController) 添加到导航 Controller (navigationController),它有一个 tableView 设置为根, 它不起作用。


代码在 ProjectsController.m - 请帮忙:(



// You're not allocating the view here.
AddProjectViewController *nextController = addProjectViewController;
// When allocated correctly above, you can simple push the new controller into view
[self.navigationController pushViewController: (UIViewController *)addProjectViewController animated:YES];

推送的 View Controller 将自动继承 super(推送它的 View Controller )导航栏(这意味着您可以在 subview Controller 中调用 self.navigationController,因为 UINavigationController 只是 UIViewController 的一个子类(因此也是UITableViewController)。


// Allocate AddProjectViewController
AddProjectViewController *addProjectViewController = [[AddProjectViewController alloc] init];
// Adds the above view controller to the stack and pushes it into view
[self.navigationController pushViewController:addProjectViewController animated:YES];
// We can release it again, because it's retained (and autoreleases in the stack). You can also choose to autorelease it when you allocate it in the first line of code, but make sure you don't call release on it then!
[addProjectViewController release];

但是,对于您要尝试执行的操作,以模态方式呈现 View Controller 会更好,这意味着您必须将它保存在导航 Controller 中。方法如下:

// Allocate AddProjectViewController
AddProjectViewController *addProjectViewController = [[AddProjectViewController alloc] init];
// Create a navigation controller
UINavigationController *navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:addProjectViewController];
// Release the view controller that's now being retained by the navigation controller
[addProjectViewController release];
// Adds the above view controller to the stack and present it modally (slide from bottom)
[self presentModalViewController:navigationController animated:YES];
// Release the navigation controller since it's being retained in the navigation stack
[navigationController release];

请注意,您需要在 AddProjectViewController 类中创建 UIBarButtonItems。



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