python - 仅乘以 Python 字符串中的数值

标签 python python-3.x

我感兴趣的是将 Python 字符串中的所有数字乘以一个变量 (y),如下例中 y = 10。

Initial Input: 
"I have 15, 7, and 350 cars, boats and bikes, respectively, in my parking lot."
Desired Output: 
"I have 150, 70, and 3500 cars, boats and bikes, respectively, in my parking lot."

我尝试了以下 Python 代码,但没有得到所需的输出。如何在 Python 代码中创建所需的输出?

string_init = "I have 15, 7, and 350 cars, boats and bikes, respectively, in my parking lot."

string_split = string.split()
y = 10 
multiply_string = string * (y)




import re

s =  "I have 15, 7, and 350 cars, boats and bikes, respectively, in my parking lot."
y = 10
print(re.sub(r"(\d+)", lambda x: str(int(*y), s))
# print(re.sub(r"(\d+)", lambda x: f"{int(*y}", s))


I have 150, 70, and 3500 cars, boats and bikes, respectively, in my parking lot.

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