google-chrome-extension - 为什么 Chrome 网上应用店要求我在商店页面上公开提供电子邮件地址和实际地址?

标签 google-chrome-extension chrome-web-store

我很好奇是否有人在开发人员仪表板上突出显示了这些选项。自 9 月以来,我一直在维护一个扩展程序,该扩展程序管理选项卡并且不收集任何信息。


Please provide the following information: Physical Address Privacy Policy To ensure a more transparent and positive experience for users, the email address, physical address, and link to your privacy policy that you provide in the developer dashboard will be displayed publicly on your item details page(s) in the Chrome Web Store.

Please provide a current, valid postal address where you may be contacted. If you offer items or in-app purchase items for sale, you may be required to provide a postal address under our developer terms and consumer protection laws; failure to do so may result in the suspension of your account and/or sales of your items. Please ensure that you keep these details up to date if they change. By providing your email or postal address information, you consent to Google publicly displaying or disclosing that information in connection with your items. Learn more

我的扩展程序会在 30 天后提示用户进行捐赠,但可以禁用它。制定隐私政策是一回事,但我根本没有可以提供的非个人地址。谷歌似乎将我误认为是一家企业。



编辑:这看起来类似于德国的 Impressum 法。无论如何,在我的情况下它看起来不是强制性的。

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