twitter - 可以访问转推的时间戳吗?

标签 twitter

我正在尝试使用 Twitter API:GET statuses/retweets/:id

API 似乎不会返回推文被转发的时间。它仅显示创建时间。这是真的?如果是这样,是否有任何其他方法能够检索转推时间戳?


来自 Introduction to Tweet JSON :

If you are working with a Retweet object, then that object will contain two Tweet objects, complete with two User objects. The Tweet that was Retweeted is referred to as the 'original' Tweet and is displayed under the 'retweeted_status' key. If a Retweet gets Retweeted, the 'retweet_status' will still point to the original Tweet, meaning the intermediate Retweet is not included.

顶级 created_at 属性应该是您要查找的转推时间。原始推文作为 retweeted_status 嵌入到转推对象中,并且它有自己的(较早的)时间戳。

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