git - composer require package_name requested for api/v3 而不是 gitlab 上的 api/v4

标签 git composer-php gitlab

当我想要一个包with composer时,它会返回一条错误信息:

Composer 需要 Bugloos/file-manager-bundle:1.0.6

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.                                                                                   
  The "" file could not be downloaded (HTTP/1.1 410 Gone)                                                                                

但是如果我点击带有 v4 版本的链接,gitlab 将返回正确的响应,我不知道如何告诉 gitlab 以 v4 版本响应我?

"repositories": [
  "type": "vcs",
  "url": ""


"require": {
   "Bugloos/LoginBundle": "^1.0", ...


enter image description here


两年前 Composer 中的这个 was fixed。您需要更新 Composer :

composer self-update

如果全局安装了 composer,则使用 sudo:

sudo -H composer self-update

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