angular - 无法在单元格渲染器中使用 ngIf

标签 angular ag-grid angular9


<div class="btn-toolbar" style="justify-content: flex-start; display: flex;">
    <button (click)="editStage()" type="button" class="btn-xs btn btn-primary btn-default btn-space"><span class="fas fa-edit"></span></button>
    <button (click)="gotoSteps()" type="button" class="btn-xs btn btn-primary btn-default btn-space"><span class="fas fa-code-branch"></span></button>
    <button *ngIf="stage.order > 0 && nbrStages > 1" (click)="moveUp()" type="button" class="btn-xs btn btn-primary btn-default btn-space"><span class="fas fa-arrow-up"></span></button>
    <button *ngIf="orderPlusOne < nbrStages && nbrStages > 1" (click)="moveDown()" type="button" class="btn-xs btn btn-primary btn-default btn-space"><span class="fas fa-arrow-down"></span></button>
   <button (click)="deleteStage()" type="button" class="btn-xs btn btn-primary btn-default btn-space"><span class="fa fa-trash-alt"></span></button>
    selector: 'app-workflow-stage-buttons',
    templateUrl: './workflow-stage-buttons.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./workflow-stage-buttons.component.css']
/** workflow-stage-buttons component*/
export class WorkflowStageButtonsComponent implements ICellRendererAngularComp {
    /** workflow-stage-buttons ctor */
    constructor() {


    params: any;
    stage: WorkflowStage;
    nbrStages: number;
    orderPlusOne: number;

    refresh(params: any): boolean {
        return false;

    agInit(params: import("ag-grid-community").ICellRendererParams): void {
        this.params = params;
        this.stage = <WorkflowStage>;
        this.nbrStages = this.params.api.getRenderedNodes().length;
        this.orderPlusOne = this.stage.order + 1;

    afterGuiAttached?(params?: import("ag-grid-community").IAfterGuiAttachedParams): void {

Can't bind to 'ngIf' since it isn't a known property of 'button'.
在单元格渲染器逻辑之外,我可以执行 ngIf在我的应用程序中其他任何地方的按钮上。在单元格渲染器的上下文中似乎没有正确加载某些内容。
我试过添加 WorkflowStageButtonsComponent在我的模块声明中添加 CommonModule在我的模块的导入中,这并没有奏效。
有任何想法吗 ?
编辑:我正在使用 ag-grid-angular@23.2.1


进口 CommonModule从提供您的组件的模块。

    imports: [CommonModule], // <- importing CommonModule
    declarations: [WorkflowStageButtonsComponent]
export class MyComponentModule {} // This is the module where you define your component

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