git - 'git diff' 可以只输出长行中的更改吗?

标签 git diff git-diff

当我对仅包含一个很长行的文件进行更改时,可以 git diff只输出改变的那部分行?
我知道git diff --word-diff将仅以颜色突出显示已更改的部分,但仍会输出整行。
是否可以选择只输出已更改的那部分行?或者也许是一个只能匹配 git diff --word-diff 的彩色部分的 grep 模式?


是的,使用 git diff --word-diff=porcelain .

Use a special line-based format intended for script consumption. Added/removed/unchanged runs are printed in the usual unified diff format, starting with a +/- character at the beginning of the line and extending to the end of the line. Newlines in the input are represented by a tilde ~ on a line of its own.

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否则您可以搜索 [-{+ .

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