browser - 电子邮件客户端如何处理 cookie?

标签 browser cookies email-client

假设我为电子邮件中的图像请求设置了一个 cookie(因此当用户查看电子邮件中的图像时设置了 cookie)。如果用户随后点击电子邮件打开浏览器,浏览器是否可以访问我刚刚设置的 cookie?

显然,如果用户将 Outlook 作为他们的电子邮件客户端,并将 Firefox 作为他们的默认浏览器,则电子邮件 cookie(如果存在)将无法访问。但是如果他们使用 IE 呢?在 iPhone 或 Android 手机上,会发生什么情况?


我发现了另一个有趣的 post关于这个主题:

So cookies are usually served with HTML requests over HTTP. Email is not HTML served over HTTP, it's HTML over IMAP or POP. Since there's no HTTP request for the HTML, there's nowhere for cookies to be sent.

HOWEVER, there is a caveat. While your HTML is not served with an HTTP request and contains no cookies, the images in your email are requested via HTTP. Its possible your image server(s) could send cookies and most email clients will send the cookie back if the image is re-requested. There's no breakdown on mail client support for cookies, but I know the Outlook suite on PC definitely will respect cookies in image request headers. We saw this in testing our image validation software, there are a VERY small number of image servers out there that are sending cookies. It's likely you are not in this bucket, though, since it is rare.

I am not a lawyer, but reading this link, I think you are ok not including the message. You are definitely ok if you can confirm no cookies are served along with your images. However, I am not a lawyer.

我们还要记住,有时可以在使用 HTTP 协议(protocol)的浏览器中打开电子邮件。

另一个问题是,不仅可以使用 cookie,还可以使用个性化链接等方式跟踪此人。


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