python-2.7 - 找不到 Pyinstaller GLIBC_2.15

标签 python-2.7 pyinstaller

在 Linux 32 位 Ubuntu 11 上生成了一个可执行文件并在 32 位 Ubuntu 10 上对其进行了测试,但失败并显示“GLIBC_2.15”未找到。


Cyrhon FAQ 部分说:

Under Linux, I get runtime dynamic linker errors, related to libc. What should I do? The executable that PyInstaller builds is not fully static, in that it still depends on the system libc. Under Linux, the ABI of GLIBC is backward compatible, but not forward compatible. So if you link against a newer GLIBC, you can't run the resulting executable on an older system. The supplied binary bootloader should work with older GLIBC. However, the and other dynamic libraries still depends on the newer GLIBC. The solution is to compile the Python interpreter with its modules (and also probably bootloader) on the oldest system you have around, so that it gets linked with the oldest version of GLIBC.

How to get recent Python environment working on old Linux distribution? The issue is that Python and its modules has to be compiled against older GLIBC. Another issue is that you probably want to use latest Python features and on old Linux distributions there is only available really old Python version (e.g. on Centos 5 is available Python 2.4).

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