php - Yii2 GridView 与 ArrayDataProvider 搜索

标签 php yii2

我需要有关 ArrayDataProvider 搜索模型的帮助。假设我有一个数组:

$cities = [
    ['city' => "Chicago", 'year' => 1984],
    ['city' => "Washington", 'year' => 2001],
    ['city' => Manchester", 'year' => 1997],
    //and so on...

我创建了一个 ArrayDataProvider:
$provider = new \yii\data\ArrayDataProvider([
    'allModels' => $catalog,
    'sort' => [
        'attributes' => ['city', 'year'],

然后我创建一个 GridView:
echo \yii\grid\GridView::widget([
        'dataProvider' => $provider,
        'filterModel' => (new LibrarySearchModel()),
        'columns' => $columns,
        'showHeader' => true,
        'summary' => false,

一切正常,但我需要在 GridView 中进行过滤。没有使用 ActiveDataProvider 的选项,我找不到任何关于如何在 ArrayDataProvider 中过滤数据的教程。


这是如何使用 ArrayDataProvider 的示例在 GridView 中带有过滤器.

让我们创建简单的 Action 。

public function actionExample()
    $data = new \app\models\Data();
    $provider = $data->search(Yii::$app->request->get());

    return $this->render('example', [
        'provider' => $provider,
        'filter' => $data,

这是 GridView 的经典 Yii 2 方法,所以我不会解释它(您可以在上面链接的指南中找到详细信息)。


echo \yii\grid\GridView::widget([
    'dataProvider' => $provider,
    'filterModel' => $filter,
    'columns' => [

同样,与 ActiveDataProvider 方法没有什么不同。正如你在这里看到的,我们期待两列:namecode - 这些将在下面定义。


namespace app\models;

use yii\base\Model;

 * Our data model extends yii\base\Model class so we can get easy to use and yet 
 * powerful Yii 2 validation mechanism.
class Data extends Model
     * We plan to get two columns in our grid that can be filtered.
     * Add more if required. You don't have to add all of them.
    public $name;
    public $code;

     * Here we can define validation rules for each filtered column.
     * See
     * for more information about validation.
    public function rules()
        return [
            [['name', 'code'], 'string'],
            // our columns are just simple string, nothing fancy

     * In this example we keep this special property to know if columns should be 
     * filtered or not. See search() method below.
    private $_filtered = false;

     * This method returns ArrayDataProvider.
     * Filtered and sorted if required.
    public function search($params)
         * $params is the array of GET parameters passed in the actionExample().
         * These are being loaded and validated.
         * If validation is successful _filtered property is set to true to prepare
         * data source. If not - data source is displayed without any filtering.
        if ($this->load($params) && $this->validate()) {
            $this->_filtered = true;

        return new \yii\data\ArrayDataProvider([
            // ArrayDataProvider here takes the actual data source
            'allModels' => $this->getData(),
            'sort' => [
                // we want our columns to be sortable:
                'attributes' => ['name', 'code'],

     * Here we are preparing the data source and applying the filters
     * if _filtered property is set to true.
    protected function getData()
        $data = [
            ['name' => 'Paul', 'code' => 'abc'],
            ['name' => 'John', 'code' => 'ade'],
            ['name' => 'Rick', 'code' => 'dbn'],

        if ($this->_filtered) {
            $data = array_filter($data, function ($value) {
                $conditions = [true];
                if (!empty($this->name)) {
                    $conditions[] = strpos($value['name'], $this->name) !== false;
                if (!empty($this->code)) {
                    $conditions[] = strpos($value['code'], $this->code) !== false;
                return array_product($conditions);

        return $data;

本例中的过滤由 array_filter 处理功能。两列都过滤“数据库 LIKE”样式 - 如果列值包含搜索字符串 data数组行不会从源中删除。

让它像 and 一样工作ActiveDataProvider 中的条件我们将每列检查的 bool 结果放入 $conditions数组并在 array_filter 中返回该数组的乘积.
array_product($conditions)相当于写 $conditions[0] && $conditions[1] && $conditions[2] && ...
这一切都会产生具有两列的可过滤和可排序的 GridView 小部件。

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