azure-application-insights - Power M Query/Kusto 从组中取第一

标签 azure-application-insights azure-data-explorer


id  timestamp  value1  value2
 1  09:12:37     1       1
 1  09:12:42     1       2
 1  09:12:41     1       3
 1  10:52:16     2       4
 1  10:52:18     2       5
 2  09:33:12     3       1
 2  09:33:15     3       2
 2  09:33:13     3       3

我需要按 id 和 value1 分组。对于每个组,我想要具有最高时间戳的行。

id  timestamp  value1  value2
 1  09:12:42     1       2
 2  09:33:15     3       2

| project id, timestamp, value1, value2
| summarize max(timestamp) by id, value1

     id  timestamp  value1
      1  09:12:42     1
      2  09:33:15     3

但是我也无法获得此行的 value2。



如果我正确理解您的问题,您应该可以使用 summarize arg_max() :


datatable(id:long, timestamp:datetime, value1:long, value2:long)
 1, datetime(2019-03-20 09:12:37), 1, 1,
 1, datetime(2019-03-20 09:12:42), 1, 2,
 1, datetime(2019-03-20 09:12:41), 1, 3,
 1, datetime(2019-03-20 10:52:16), 2, 4,
 1, datetime(2019-03-20 10:52:18), 2, 5, // this has the latest timestamp for id == 1
 2, datetime(2019-03-20 09:33:12), 3, 1,
 2, datetime(2019-03-20 09:33:15), 3, 2, // this has the latest timestamp for id == 2
 2, datetime(2019-03-20 09:33:13), 3, 3,
| summarize arg_max(timestamp, *) by id

| id | timestamp                   | value1 | value2 |
| 2  | 2019-03-20 09:33:15.0000000 | 3      | 2      |
| 1  | 2019-03-20 10:52:18.0000000 | 2      | 5      |

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