amazon-web-services - 从 Linux 连接到 EC2 Windows 主机

标签 amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 rdp

当我使用推荐的 rdesktop 连接到 Windows EC2 主机时,我从 Archlinux 看到:

$ rdesktop

ATTENTION! The server uses and invalid security certificate which can not be trusted for
the following identified reasons(s);

 1. Certificate issuer is not trusted by this system.

     Issuer: CN=EC2AMAZ-I5MV8JK

Review the following certificate info before you trust it to be added as an exception.
If you do not trust the certificate the connection atempt will be aborted:

    Subject: CN=EC2AMAZ-I5MV8JK
     Issuer: CN=EC2AMAZ-I5MV8JK
 Valid From: Thu Mar  5 16:06:01 2020
         To: Fri Sep  4 16:06:01 2020

  Certificate fingerprints:

       sha1: 98f1e92f9b9a3b57f4b2a23177f1bbe1a9afeb2c
     sha256: 8e9f1a2e5497c972b56b8300f6e2ec3f59c8903103984cb5456a237c9a7b2d45

Do you trust this certificate (yes/no)? yes
Failed to initialize NLA, do you have correct Kerberos TGT initialized ?
Failed to connect, CredSSP required by server (check if server has disabled old TLS versions, if yes use -V option).

我不知道从哪里开始。特别是当 rdesktop 似乎没有维护时。

连接到 Windows 主机的任何提示?


enter image description here

代替 rdesktop,FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation似乎更适合这个 服务器需要的 CredSSP 问题。

xfreerdp /u:"Administrator" /

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