scala - Dotty 提供什么来替换字体投影?

标签 scala dotty type-projection scala-3

我一直在阅读有关 Dotty 的文章,因为它看起来即将成为 Scala 3,并注意到类型投影被认为是“不健全的”并从语言中删除......


trait Contents
class Foo extends Contents
class Bar extends Contents

trait Container[T <: Contents] { type ContentType = T }
class FooContainer extends Container[Foo]
class BarContainer extends Container[Bar]

trait Manager[T <: Container[_]] { 
  type ContainerType = T 
  type ContentType = T#ContentType
  def getContents: ContentType 
  def createContainer(contents: ContentType): ContainerType

如何在 Dotty 中做这样的事情?向 Manager 添加第二个类型参数?但是,除了创建和操作 Manager 的实例变得非常乏味这一事实之外,它也不太有效,因为没有办法强制执行这两种类型之间的关系( Manager[FooContainer, Bar] 不应该是合法的)。

然后,还有其他用途,如类型 lambdas 和部分应用类型,可用于创建有偏差的仿函数等……或者这些(部分应用类型)是否成为 Dotty 中的“一等公民”?


为了回答评论中的问题,这里有一个有点人为的例子,可以使用他的 this 。假设,我的 Managers 实际上是 Akka Actors :
abstract class BaseManager[T <: Container[_]](
  val storage: ContentStorage[T#ContentType]
) extends Actor with Manager[T] {
    def withContents(container: T, content: ContentType): ContainerType
    def withoutContents: T

    var container: T = withoutContents

    def receive: Receive {
       case ContentsChanged => 
          container = withContents(container, storage.get)
       case ContainerRequester => 
           sender ! container
       // ... other common actions 

class FooManager(storage: FooStorage) extends BaseManager[FooContainer](storage) {
   def withContents(container: FooContainer, content: Foo) = 
   def withoutContent = FooContainer(None)

   override def receive: Receive = super.receive orElse { 
    // some additional actions, specific to Foo

case class FooContainer(content: Option[Foo]) extends Container[Foo]{
  // some extremely expensive calculations that happen when 
  // content is assigned, so that we can cache the result in container


在 Scala 2.12 中,类型投影有时可以替换为类型类 + 依赖路径的类型

trait ContentType[T <: Container[_]] {
  type Out
object ContentType {
  type Aux[T <: Container[_], Out0] = ContentType[T] { type Out = Out0 }
  def instance[T <: Container[_], Out0]: Aux[T, Out0] = new ContentType[T] { type Out = Out0 }

  implicit def mk[T <: Contents]: Aux[Container[T], T] = instance

abstract class Manager[T <: Container[_]](implicit val contentType: ContentType[T]) {
  type ContainerType = T
  def getContents: contentType.Out
  def createContainer(contents: contentType.Out): ContainerType

检查 Dotty 0.16.0-bin-20190529-3361d44-NIGHTLY(在 0.16.0-RC3 delegate 应该代替 implied )
trait Contents
class Foo extends Contents
class Bar extends Contents

trait Container[T <: Contents] { type ContentType = T }
class FooContainer extends Container[Foo]
class BarContainer extends Container[Bar]

trait ContentType[T <: Container[_]] {
  type Out
object ContentType {
  implied [T <: Contents] for ContentType[Container[T]] {
    type Out = T

trait Manager[T <: Container[_]] given (val contentType: ContentType[T]) {
  type ContainerType = T
  type ContentType = contentType.Out
  def getContents: ContentType
  def createContainer(contents: ContentType): ContainerType

另一种选择是使用 match types
trait Contents
class Foo extends Contents
class Bar extends Contents

trait Container[T <: Contents] { type ContentType = T }
class FooContainer extends Container[Foo]
class BarContainer extends Container[Bar]

type ContentType[T <: Container[_]] = T match {
  case Container[t] => t

trait Manager[T <: Container[_]] {
  type ContainerType = T
  def getContents: ContentType[T]
  def createContainer(contents: ContentType[T]): ContainerType

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