mysql - 如何在 Woocommerce 中删除具有相同产品 ID 的重复产品?

标签 mysql wordpress woocommerce

我更新了数据库。更新后,我在 Woocommerce 中遇到了重复的产品——即使我在数据库中没有重复的产品。
我删除了 transient ,但它没有修复。如果您指导我如何修复它,我将不胜感激。

| name                                           | status | update                       | version  |
| wc-abandoned-carts-by-small-fish-analytics     | active | none                         | 2.6.2    |
| admin-menu-search                              | active | none                         | 1.2      |
| woo-advanced-shipment-tracking                 | active | available                    | 3.1.4    |
| woo-auto-coupons                               | active | none                         | 1.3.2    |
| better-search-replace                          | active | none                         | 1.3.3    |
| bookly-responsive-appointment-booking-tool     | active | none                         | 18.9     |
| bookly-addon-pro                               | active | none                         | 3.1      |
| code-snippets                                  | active | none                         | 2.14.0   |
| commercegurus-commercekit                      | active | none                         | 1.1.7    |
| customizer-export-import                       | active | none                         | 0.9.2    |
| delete-duplicate-posts                         | active | none                         | 4.4.7    |
| elementor                                      | active | none                         | 3.0.13   |
| elementor-pro                                  | active | available                    | 3.0.5    |
| essential-addons-for-elementor-lite            | active | none                         | 4.3.6    |
| essential-addons-elementor                     | active | available                    | 4.2.1    |
| export-import-menus                            | active | none                         | 1.6.0    |
| facebook-for-woocommerce                       | active | available                    | 1.9.11   |
| kliken-marketing-for-google                    | active | none                         | 1.0.6    |
| jet-engine                                     | active | available                    | 2.5.2    |
| kirki                                          | active | none                         | 3.1.5    |
| mailchimp-for-woocommerce                      | active | none                         | 2.4.7    |
| one-click-demo-import                          | active | none                         | 2.6.1    |
| payment-gateways-by-user-roles-for-woocommerce | active | none                         | 1.2.3    |
| seo-by-rank-math                               | active | available                    | |
| redux-framework                                | active | available                    | 4.1.21   |
| google-site-kit                                | active | none                         | 1.20.0   |
| smart-variations-images-premium                | active | none                         | 4.0.75   |
| string-locator                                 | active | none                         | 2.4.1    |
| analogwp-templates                             | active | none                         | 1.7.5    |
| transients-manager                             | active | none                         | 1.8.1    |
| updraftplus                                    | active | available                    | 1.16.29  |
| woo-variation-swatches                         | active | available                    | 1.1.0    |
| woocommerce                                    | active | none                         | 4.7.0    |
| woocommerce-advanced-bulk-edit                 | active | none                         | 4.5      |
| advanced-product-labels-for-woocommerce        | active | available                    | |
| woocommerce-attribute-images                   | active | none                         | 1.2.0    |
| woocommerce-brands                             | active | none                         | 1.6.10   |
| woocommerce-composite-products2                | active | none                         | 7.1.1    |
| woocommerce-currency-converter-widget          | active | none                         | 1.6.23   |
| woocommerce-email-test                         | active | version higher than expected | 2.1      |
| order-emails-log-for-woocommerce               | active | version higher than expected | 2.0      |
| woocommerce-order-status-manager               | active | none                         | 1.9.2    |
| woocommerce-product-bundles                    | active | none                         | 6.4.0    |
| woocommerce-sequential-order-numbers           | active | none                         | 1.9.5    |
| woocommerce-gateway-stripe                     | active | none                         | 4.5.5    |
| weight-based-shipping-for-woocommerce          | active | none                         | 5.3.7    |
| wordpress-importer                             | active | none                         | 0.7      |
| xforwoocommerce                                | active | none                         | 1.2.8    |
| yith-woocommerce-pre-order-premium             | active | none                         | 1.5.9    |



add_filter('posts_clauses', 'order_by_stock_status');
function order_by_stock_status($posts_clauses) {
    global $wpdb;
    // only change query on WooCommerce loops
    if ( is_woocommerce() && (is_shop() || is_product_category() || is_product_tag() || is_product_taxonomy())) {
        $posts_clauses['join'] .= " INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta istockstatus ON ($wpdb->posts.ID = istockstatus.post_id) ";
        $posts_clauses['orderby'] = " istockstatus.meta_value ASC, " . $posts_clauses['orderby'];
        $posts_clauses['where'] = " AND istockstatus.meta_key = '_stock_status' AND istockstatus.meta_value <> '' " . $posts_clauses['where'];
    return $posts_clauses;

我添加了 !is_admin()到条件,然后它固定。
我也有另一个同样的问题,但这次是在类别页面。对于这种情况,我检查了插件,我发现 xforwoocommerce(过滤器)插件以不同的价格制作了重复的产品! :| (不知道为什么!)
感谢@benjamin、@grégory-c 和@Mtxz!

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