.net - 在 Visual Studio 中执行 git Reset 后如何摆脱传入的提交? (删除远程提交)

标签 .net git visual-studio

我正在尝试使用 Git 下的 Visual Studio 团队资源管理器。但是,当我点击 enter image description here
enter image description here


您需要enable force push然后用力推。

  • 转到团队资源管理器 → 设置 → Git → 全局设置并检查 Enable push --force然后点击 Update按钮。
  • 转到团队资源管理器 → 分支 → 右键单击​​您的本地分支并选择 Push
  • 将出现一个消息框,显示一条警告,询问您是否要覆盖远程提交?选择 Yes .

  • Warning

    Usually you need to revert changes which simply means undo changes and commit this undo as well. So you have both the change and the undo commit in history.

    But sometimes for some reason, you want to get rid of few last commits without having them in remote history (WARNING). So you can reset those few commits and delete changes. Now your local branch is behind the remote branch and there are several incoming commits. Then you can do a force push to overwrite remote commit history by your local history.

    Do this carefully, just when you understand what you are doing, is overwriting remote history. Don't do it on a branch which is shared between multiple people.

    关于.net - 在 Visual Studio 中执行 git Reset 后如何摆脱传入的提交? (删除远程提交),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45295374/


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