sql - 多次提示用户输入相同的查询参数 (MS-Access)

标签 sql ms-access query-parameters

我有一个参数查询,它根据用户输入的开始日期和今天的日期从我的表中选择信息。我想使用 WHERE 语句在我的表中搜索两个字段,而无需两次输入开始日期的提示。现在我有:

SELECT PatientSurvey.PatientID
FROM PatientSurvey
WHERE (PatientSurvey.[6MonthSurveyReturn] OR PatientSurvey.[12MonthSurveyReturn]) Between [Enter the last date checked for:] And Date();

SELECT PatientSurvey.PatientID
FROM PatientSurvey
WHERE (PatientSurvey.[6MonthSurveyReturn]) Between [Enter the last date checked for:] And Date() OR (PatientSurvey.[12MonthSurveyReturn]) Between [Enter the last date checked for:] And Date();

然后它会针对相同的输入提示用户两次。 如何防止这种情况发生?


将 PARAMETERS 声明添加到您的查询中。

PARAMETERS [Enter the last date checked for:] DateTime;
SELECT PatientSurvey.PatientID
FROM PatientSurvey
       (([PatientSurvey].[6MonthSurveyReturn]) Between [Enter the last date checked for:] And Date())
    OR (([PatientSurvey].[12MonthSurveyReturn]) Between [Enter the last date checked for:] And Date());

关于sql - 多次提示用户输入相同的查询参数 (MS-Access),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6949882/


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