Azure ARM 模板 Keyvault 资源不断删除其他访问策略

标签 azure deployment azure-keyvault

我创建了一个 ARM 模板来部署 Azure WebApp,该应用程序使用托管服务身份验证和 KeyVault 来获取 secret 。因此,ARM 模板创建 WebApp 资源并启用 MSI,还创建 KeyVault 资源并将 WebApptenantid 和 objectid 添加到 accessPolicies,但是,ARM 模板还会从我的 Keyvault 中删除所有其他现有访问策略。

有没有办法对访问策略进行增量部署,这样我就不必在部署后将用户添加回 KeyVault 访问策略?

  "type": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults",
  "name": "[parameters('ICMODSKeyVaultName')]",
  "apiVersion": "2016-10-01",
  "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
  "properties": {
    "sku": {
      "family": "A",
      "name": "standard"
    "tenantId": "[reference(variables('identityResourceId'), '2015-08-31-PREVIEW').tenantId]",
    "accessPolicies": [
        "tenantId": "[reference(variables('identityResourceId'), '2015-08-31-PREVIEW').tenantId]",
        "objectId": "[reference(variables('identityResourceId'), '2015-08-31-PREVIEW').principalId]",
        "permissions": {
          "secrets": [
    "enabledForDeployment": true,
    "enabledForTemplateDeployment":  true
  "dependsOn": [
    "[concat('Microsoft.Web/sites/', parameters('AppName'))]"


accepted answer 的问题其不同之处在于它从 ARM 模板中完全删除了 Key Vault,这意味着在新环境中 Key Vault 的创建变成了手动过程。

ARM 不允许在不清除现有访问策略的情况下重新部署 key 保管库。 accessPolicies 属性是 required (恢复已删除的保管库时除外),因此省略它会导致错误。将其设置为 [] 将清除所有现有策略。已经有Microsoft Feedback request从 2018 年开始解决这个问题,目前有 152 票。

我发现解决此问题的最佳方法是仅在 key 保管库尚不存在时才进行有条件部署,通过单独的 add< 定义访问策略 子资源。这会导致添加或更新指定的策略,同时保留任何其他现有策略。我通过将现有资源名称列表传递到 ARM 模板来检查 key 保管库是否已存在。

在 Azure 管道中:

- task: AzurePowerShell@5
  displayName: 'Get existing resource names'
    azureSubscription: '$(armServiceConnection)'
    azurePowerShellVersion: 'LatestVersion'
    ScriptType: 'InlineScript'
    Inline: |      
      $resourceNames = (Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $(resourceGroupName)).Name | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
      Write-Output "##vso[task.setvariable variable=existingResourceNames]$resourceNames"
    azurePowerShellVersion: 'LatestVersion'

- task: AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment@3
  name: DeployResourcesTemplate
  displayName: 'Deploy resources through ARM template
    deploymentScope: 'Resource Group'
    action: 'Create Or Update Resource Group'
    # ...
    overrideParameters: >-
      -existingResourceNames $(existingResourceNames)
      # ...
    deploymentMode: 'Incremental'

在 ARM 模板中:

  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",

  "parameters": {
    "keyVaultName": {
      "type": "string"
    "existingResourceNames": {
      "type": "array",
      "defaultValue": []

  "resources": [
      "type": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults",
      "apiVersion": "2016-10-01",
      "name": "[parameters('keyVaultName')]",
      "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
      // Only deploy the key vault if it does not already exist.
      // Conditional deployment doesn't cascade to child resources, which can be deployed even when their parent isn't.
      "condition": "[not(contains(parameters('existingResourceNames'), parameters('keyVaultName')))]",
      "properties": {
        "sku": {
          "family": "A",
          "name": "Standard"
        "tenantId": "[subscription().tenantId]",
        "enabledForDeployment": false,
        "enabledForDiskEncryption": false,
        "enabledForTemplateDeployment": true,
        "enableSoftDelete": true,
        "accessPolicies": []
      "resources": [
          "type": "accessPolicies",
          "apiVersion": "2016-10-01",
          "name": "add",
          "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
          "dependsOn": [
          "properties": {
            "accessPolicies": [
              // Specify your access policies here.
              // List does not need to be exhaustive; other existing access policies are preserved.

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