networking - Nomad 和端口映射

标签 networking consul nomad

Nomad 有三种不同的方式来映射端口:

  • 组级下网络节
  • 配置下的网络节 -> 资源级别
  • 配置级别下的 port_map 节

  • 有什么区别,什么时候应该使用哪个?


  • 首先port_map is deprecated ,

    Up until Nomad 0.12, ports could be specified in a task's resource stanza and set using the docker port_map field. As more features have been added to the group network resource allocation, task based network resources are deprecated. With it the port_map field is also deprecated and can only be used with task network resources.

    Users should migrate their jobs to define ports in the group network stanza and specified which ports a task maps with the ports field.

  • port在 group network 节中定义了可用于识别
  • ports在任务级别指定哪个 port从网络节应该是
    在任务分配/容器中可用。来自 official docs

    A Docker container typically specifies which port a service will listen on by specifying the EXPOSE directive in the Dockerfile.

    Because dynamic ports will not match the ports exposed in your Dockerfile, Nomad will automatically expose any ports specified in the ports field.

  • TLDR;
    job "example" {
      group "example-group" {
        network {
          # Dynamic ports
          port "foo" {}
          port "bar" {}
          # Mapped ports
          port "http"  { to = 80 }
          port "https" { to = 443 }
          # Static ports
          port "lb" { static = 8080 }
        task "task-1" {
          driver = "docker"
          config {
            ports = [
        task "task-2" {
          driver = "docker"
          config {
            ports = [
        task "task-3" {
          driver = "docker"
          config {
            ports = [
    for port in $(docker ps --format "{{.Ports}}"); do echo $port; done | grep tcp | cut -d':' -f 2
    # Dynamic ports 'foo' and 'bar'
    # 25968->25968/tcp,
    # 29080->29080/tcp,
    # Mapped ports 'http' and 'https'
    # 29936->80/tcp,
    # 20987->443/tcp,
    # Static port 'lb'
    # 8080->8080/tcp,
    现在,如果你进入 task-1分配/容器并检查环境变量,然后你
    env | grep NOMAD | grep PORT
    # NOMAD_PORT_bar=29080
    # NOMAD_HOST_PORT_bar=29080
    # NOMAD_PORT_foo=25968
    # NOMAD_HOST_PORT_foo=25968
    # NOMAD_PORT_http=80
    # NOMAD_HOST_PORT_http=29936
    # NOMAD_PORT_https=443
    # NOMAD_HOST_PORT_https=20987
    # NOMAD_PORT_lb=8080
    # NOMAD_HOST_PORT_lb=8080
    发现,例如Consul (也来自 HashiCorp)并让你
    Traefik .这是 nice blog post
    来自 HashiCorp 的工程师关于它的信息。

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