c++ - 生成器在 C++20 View 管道中调用两次

标签 c++ c++20 range-v3 std-ranges

这里是一个简单的管道 views适配器,有 gen调用函数以生成一系列值(使用内部状态),然后对其进行过滤。
libstdc++ 测试在 GCC 10.3、11.1 和主干 ( code ) 和 range-v3 中使用 GCC 和 clang ( code )。

int main() {
  int n = 0;
  auto gen = [&n]() {
    auto result = ++n;
    std::cout << "Generate [" << result << "]\n";
    return result;

  auto tmp =
      | ranges::views::transform([gen](auto &&) { return gen(); })
      | ranges::views::filter([](auto &&i) {
          std::cout << "#1 " << i << " " << (i % 2) << "\n";
          return (i % 2) == 1;

  for (auto &&i : tmp | ranges::views::take(1)) {
    std::cout << "#2 " << i << " " << ((i % 2) == 1) << "\n";
    assert(((i % 2) == 1));
注意:如果 gen函数被编写为具有内部状态的可变函数,它不会编译:
  auto gen = [n=0]() mutable {
    auto result = ++n;
    std::cout << "Generate [" << result << "]\n";
    return result;


Do you have an idea if this is the correct expected behavior (and why)?

是:这是预期的行为。这是迭代模型的固有属性,我们有 operator*operator++作为单独的操作。filteroperator++必须寻找下一个满足谓词的底层迭代器。这涉及到做 *ittransform的迭代器,它涉及调用函数。但是一旦我们找到下一个迭代器,当我们再次阅读它时,它将再次调用转换。在代码片段中:
decltype(auto) transform_view<V, F>::iterator::operator*() const {
    return invoke(f_, *it_);

decltype(auto) filter_view<V, P>::iterator::operator*() const {
    // reading through the filter iterator just reads
    // through the underlying iterator, which in this
    // case means invoking the function
    return *it_;

auto filter_view<V, P>::iterator::operator++() -> iterator& {
    for (++it_; it_ != ranges::end(parent_->base_); ++it_) {
        // when we eventually find an iterator that satisfies this
        // predicate, we will have needed to read it (which calls
        // the functions) and then the next operator* will do
        // that same thing again
        if (invoke(parent_->pred_, *it_))) {
    return *this;

C++20 Ranges 中没有缓存 View ,但 range-v3 中有一个名为 views::cache1 :
    | ranges::views::transform(f)
    | ranges::views::cache1
    | ranges::views::filter(g)
这确保了 f每个元素最多只能调用一次,代价是必须处理元素缓存并将范围降级为仅输入范围(之前它是双向的)。

关于c++ - 生成器在 C++20 View 管道中调用两次,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67321666/


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