node.js - 序列化子查询

标签 node.js sequelize.js

在这种情况下,我想根据 orderId 找到每个订单的总准备时间,但是当我这样写时,它只显示第一个结果,

 let prepareOrder = await OrderItem.findAll({
    where: {
            options: null,
          attributes: ["orderId"],
          include: [
              model: Item,
              attributes: [
                  sequelize.fn("sum", sequelize.col("prepareTime")),


您需要在外部查询上 朗姆酒 SUM() 。当您在内部查询上运行它时,它返回单行,然后执行 JOIN 这就是为什么您只得到一行的原因。

const prepareOrder = await OrderItem.findAll({
  attributes: [
    // get the summary at the OrderItem for each related Item
      sequelize.fn("sum", sequelize.col("item.prepareTime")),
  // include Item but no attributes for performance
  include: {
    model: Item,
    attributes: [],
  where: {
    options: null,

关于node.js - 序列化子查询,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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